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Ward 8 Toddy

Cozy up the Boston way with a Ward 8 Toddy.
Servings: 1 Toddy


  • 1 Toddy Mug


  • ¾ Water
  • 2 ounces Rye Whiskey
  • ½ ounce Oleo-Saccharum
  • 2 tsps Pomegranate Juice
  • 1 twist Lemon (garnish)


  • 1 Orange (zest)
  • 2 Lemon (zest)
  • ½ cup Sugar


  • In a small saucepan over medium heat, bring ¾ ounce of water to a low simmer.
  • Add in 2 ounces of Rye Whiskey, ½ ounce of Oleo-Saccharum, and 2 teaspoons of pomegranate juice.
  • Stir until the sugar is fully dissolved.
  • Strain into a toddy mug.
  • Garnish with a lemon twist.


  • In a large container, add the entire zest from 1 orange and the entire zest from 2 lemons with ½ cup of sugar.
  • Gently muddle the citrus zests to release the oils into the sugar.
  • Cover the container and let it rest for at least 8 hours.